Foul language is not permitted.No rough play allowed.
Do not misuse the equipment.
Please treat the Game Room equipment with respect. Please refrain from stealing, throwing or removing the controllers, touching the TV’s (including turning them on or off) or slapping the TV’s.
No food or drinks allowed.
Do Not change games or adjust video or audio. If you need assistance, ask the Video/Game Room Attendant.
Do Not lean and/or sit on any console box, tablets, air hockeys, etc..
No one is permitted to leave the Game room with equipment.
Specific game stations may be swapped at certain times due to tournaments, game rotation, requested game switch, etc.
The Game Room will be monitored by two video cameras.
If multiple players want to join in, please be courteous on what everyone is comfortable playing
The Game Room has a limited capacity. As a result, we sometimes may need to ask some of the children to leave the room during a birthday party or after their 45 min session, or prevent children from entering the room until more space is available. We apologize if this becomes an issue, but we are trying to provide a safe and comfortable room for everyone.
If you have any questions regarding rules of the Game Room, feel free to contact any of the staff members
Damages to the equipment will be handled as follows:
Any normal wear and tear of equipment will be replaced at the cost of Beehive.
If any of the equipment is damaged or not working properly, notify Video/Game Room Attendant promptly to insure that you do not incur any fines.
Intentional damage or theft of any equipment will result in removal and fines that will equal the cost of replacement.
Adults must supervise their children at all times.You play at your own risk.